Beverages & Cookies/Brownies

Beverages & Cookies/Brownies

Sunday, Sep 10, 2017 - 11:30 A


Beverages & Cookies/Brownies after 10:30 am Services - Sunday, August 20th thru Sunday, December 31st. Please join us for beverages and cookies, brownies or bar cookies on the patio (weather permitting or in the Narthex if cold, raining or snowing) after the 10:30 am Sunday worship service each week. Please choose the beverage that you want to bring in regards to the season and weather.

August & September - lemonade, ice tea, punch or iced coffee.
October - lemonade, iced coffee or if colder, hot cider or hot chocolate.
November & December - hot cider, hot chocolate or coffee.

We need two volunteers each week to bring the beverage of their choice and cookies, brownies or bar cookies and also setup and cleanup on the patio. One person could bring the beverages and the other cookies, brownies or bar cookies. Please coordinate with your volunteer partner to make sure that both areas are covered. Please sign up under ‘volunteer” or contact the church office.


10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist, Rite II

Streamed on Facebook Live

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