The Pastoral Care Team is comprised of caring volunteers who provide meals and encouragement during times of hardship and celebration. Whether recovering from an illness or surgery, or simply homebound this team will visit and provide meals for you and your family.
During times of celebration the team is there as well. Birthdays, anniversaries, births, confirmations and baptisms are recognized with a special greeting.
In addition to serving as chalicists at regular communion services, a subgroup of those lay ministers offer the sacrament of Holy Communion to sick and shut-in parishioners on those occasions when the Priest is unable to make home or hospital visits. Using prepared kits of consecrated elements, this ministry allows a greater extension of the church mission to those in special need.
When tragedy happens and a death occurs or members of our parish family are in need, Christ Church is at its strongest. Our long tradition of embracing those bereaved and distraught has been a comfort to both the family and our caring parishioners. Immediately upon notification, this team makes contact with the family, arranges for the provision of hostesses, food deliveries, assistance in and at the home and counseling in consultation with the rector. In coordination with the Altar Guild the goal is to make the funeral process as smooth and meaningful as possible.
Another group of volunteers, as assigned each month, if requested, set up and prepare for a reception in the Parish House after the funeral service. A call is issued on our web site for volunteers to provide designated food items and almost immediately the reception table is full. The response is immediate, heartfelt and lovingly given. No one in our parish family is left to suffer alone.