Youth to Woods of Terror

Youth to Woods of Terror

Saturday, Oct 22, 2011 - 3:00 P

First Presbyterian then Greensboro

Joint Youth Group Trip with First Prez and Forest Hills Prez

3:00 pm  Meet at First Prez.
3:30 pm  Depart First Prez.
Time - Dinner at Steak & Shake Please Bring Money
6:00 pm  Woods of Terror
Time  Krispy Kreme Please Bring Money

Need some Parents to drive as well.

Don't forget, tickets must be paid for in full in advance by no later than
Tuesday Oct. 18, 2 pm to the church office in order to get the discounted price of $19 per ticket.

Please be aware there is no leeway with this deadline ~ it is absolute because we must order and pay for the tickets a week in advance.

Unfortunately, whomever has not paid for ticket in advance, will have to stand in General Admission line at the site and pay $25 for their ticket.


10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist, Rite II

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