Happening # 4

Happening # 4

Saturday, Oct 29, 2011 - 7:00 P

St John's Episcopal Church, Roanoke

Happening #4:
Walk Down This Mountain
October 28th-30th
St. John's Roanoke

10th through 12th graders are invited to attend Happening #4 the weekend of October 28th-30th. Andrew Bazak will be serving as our rector for this Happening! The theme, Walk Down This Mountain, is a song we've sung together before during youth events. It will now serve as the focus of Happening #4. Please be sure to send in your application by Friday, October 21, 2011.

What is "Happening - A Christian Experience"?

Happening is a Christian experience presented by teenagers for teenagers with the help of clergy and lay adult leadership.

The purpose of the Happening - A Christian Experience program is to be one of the instruments within the Anglican Tradition to renew the Christian Church in the power of the Holy Spirit, in order that the Church may respond more readily to its call to spread the Kingdom of God throughout the world.

Happening - A Christian Experience seeks to achieve this purpose by bringing young persons and adults to a fuller personal knowledge of and relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, and to a deeper level of commitment and apostleship.
- from Standards and Guidelines for conducting the weekend
-Taken from the National Happening Website

For more information about what to expect during Happening please visit the National Happening website: http://www.happeningnational.org/16.html


10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist, Rite II

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