Christ Episcopal Church Welcomes You!

We are a community of faith striving to love God fully and our neighbors as ourselves.

"Come unto me, all ye that travail and are heavy laden, and I will refresh you."  -- Matthew 11:28

Thank you for visiting Christ Church!  While no website can fully convey the true spirit of a church, we hope that by exploring this site you can gain a better view into our Christian community of transformed people. Please consider this to be an invitation to you to come worship with us and share our fellowship joyfully praising Christ in a caring and compassionate family of Christians. 

Sunday Worship Service

Christ Episcopal Church offers one Holy Eucharist, Rite II service at 10:30 on Sunday mornings, in the Sanctuary and streamed via Facebook Live.

The church is handicap-accessible via a platform lift in the SE corner of the building (next to the patio, with handicap parking immediately in front on Church St).

We look forward to sharing our worship with you!

Bible Study and Sunday School

Our Sunday morning Bible study meets at 9:30 in the Parish House. All are welcome and encouraged to attend as your presence allows; no preparation ahead of time is necessary.

Monday Bible Study

Our Monday evening Bible study (which meets from 7:00 to 8:00 in the Parish House) is on hiatus for Lent. We will be doing Lenten Studies.

Lenten Study: Explorations in Christian Ethics

On the Mondays of Lent (March 10 - April 7), we will gather in the Undercroft for a light supper and program. Fr. John will lead us in discussions of Christian ethics, as we consider how we think about and apply Jesus' teachings to the moral problems we encounter in our daily lives. This takes the place of the usual Monday Bible Study, which will resume after Easter. Supper begins at 6:00 pm, with the discussion concluding by 7:30.

Please Support the Church

Online giving (via Paypal) is available!

Rent the Historic Parish House

Learn more about the Parish House




10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist, Rite II

Streamed on Facebook Live

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